to Kathy Casey Food Studios and Dish D'Lish
Corporate Office, 5130 Ballard Ave. NW Seattle
SeattleTacoma International Airport
Interstate 5
Interstate 90
Highway 520
Downtown Seattle, via the Aurora Bridge
Downtown Seattle, via the Ballard Bridge
From Seattle Tacoma International Airport
Leaving the airport, take Interstate-5 northbound. Stay on I-5 northbound—go past the exits to downtown Seattle—across the ship canal bridge, to Exit 169, the NE 45th St. exit. Turn left (west) at the light onto NE 45th St.
Continue westbound on NE 45th St, through the Wallingford neighborhood (arterial becomes N 45th St), cross Stone Way N and continue on the arterial, which merges into N 46th St. As that merge happens, move into the RIGHT LANE to avoid being forced onto Hwy 99. Continue on N 46th St as it crosses Fremont Ave N, then slopes downhill into the Ballard neighborhood and becomes NW Market St. Continue, crossing 8th Ave NW, all the way to 15th Ave NW.
Turn left (south) onto 15th Ave NW (large 4-laned arterial one block past a McDonald's on your left). You will be heading south toward the Ballard Bridge. As you approach the bridge, move to right lane and look for a sign marking the ramp exit for Leary Way, just before the bridge. (DO NOT go over the bridge.) Take the ramp to Leary Way and turn right (west) onto Leary Way NW.
Continue on Leary Way to NW Ione Place (about 1/2 mile, the preceding street will be NW Dock). Turn left onto NW Ione Pl and go 1/2 block.
Kathy Casey Food Studios is located on the corner of NW Ione Pl and Ballard Ave NW. It's a single-story brick building.
From Interstate 5
Take Exit 169, the NE 45th St. exit, westbound, which is about 3 miles north of downtown Seattle.
Continue westbound on NE 45th St, through the Wallingford neighborhood (arterial becomes N 45th St), cross Stone Way N and continue on the arterial, which merges into N 46th St. As that merge happens, move into the RIGHT LANE to avoid being forced onto Hwy 99. Continue on N 46th St as it crosses Fremont Ave N, then slopes downhill into the Ballard neighborhood and becomes NW Market St. Continue, crossing 8th Ave NW, all the way to 15th Ave NW.
Turn left (south) onto 15th Ave NW (large 4-laned arterial one block past a McDonald's on your left). You will be heading south toward the Ballard Bridge. As you approach the bridge, move to right lane and look for a sign marking the ramp exit for Leary Way, just before the bridge. (DO NOT go over the bridge.) Take the ramp to Leary Way and turn right (west) onto Leary Way NW.
Continue on Leary Way to NW Ione Place (about 1/2 mile, the preceding street will be NW Dock). Turn left onto NW Ione Pl and go 1/2 block.
Kathy Casey Food Studios is located on the corner of NW Ione Pl and Ballard Ave NW. It's a single-story brick building.
From Interstate 90
Connect to Northbound I-5. Stay on I-5 northbound—go past the exits to downtown Seattle—across the ship canal bridge, to Exit 169, the NE 45th St. exit. Turn left (west) at the light onto NE 45th St.
Continue westbound on NE 45th St, through the Wallingford neighborhood (arterial will become N 45th St), cross Stone Way N and continue on the arterial, which merges into N 46th St. As that merge happens, move into the RIGHT LANE to avoid being forced onto Hwy 99. Continue on N 46th St as it crosses Fremont Ave N, then slopes downhill into the Ballard neighborhood and becomes NW Market St. Continue, crossing 8th Ave NW, all the way to 15th Ave NW.
Turn left (south) onto 15th Ave NW (large 4-laned arterial one block past a McDonald's on your left). You will be heading south toward the Ballard Bridge. As you approach the bridge, move to right lane and look for a sign marking the ramp exit for Leary Way, just before the bridge. (DO NOT go over the bridge.) Take the ramp to Leary Way and turn right (west) onto Leary Way NW.
Continue on Leary Way to NW Ione Place (about 1/2 mile, the preceding street will be NW Dock). Turn left onto NW Ione Pl and go 1/2 block.
Kathy Casey Food Studios is located on the corner of NW Ione Pl and Ballard Ave NW. It's a single-story brick building.
From Highway 520
Connect to northbound Interstate-5; stay in the right lane, cross the ship canal bridge and take the first exit, which will be NE 45th St. Turn left (west) at the light onto NE 45th St.
Continue westbound on NE 45th St, through the Wallingford neighborhood (arterial will become N 45th St), cross Stone Way N and continue on the arterial, which merges into N 46th St. As that merge happens, move into the RIGHT LANE to avoid being forced onto Hwy 99. Continue on N 46th St as it crosses Fremont Ave N, then slopes downhill into the Ballard neighborhood and becomes NW Market St. Continue, crossing 8th Ave NW, all the way to 15th Ave NW.
Turn left (south) onto 15th Ave NW (large 4-laned arterial one block past a McDonald's on your left). You will be heading south toward the Ballard Bridge. As you approach the bridge, move to right lane and look for a sign marking the ramp exit for Leary Way, just before the bridge. (DO NOT go over the bridge.) Take the ramp to Leary Way and turn right (west) onto Leary Way NW.
Continue on Leary Way to NW Ione Place (about 1/2 mile, the preceding street will be NW Dock). Turn left onto NW Ione Pl and go 1/2 block.
Kathy Casey Food Studios is located on the corner of NW Ione Pl and Ballard Ave NW. It's a single-story brick building.
From Downtown Seattle, via the Aurora Bridge
Take Hwy. 99 (Aurora Ave.) northbound, from either the Denny Way entrance (at 6th and Battery), or the Western Ave. entrance (at Bell St.)
Continue northbound on Aurora Ave., crossing the Aurora Bridge in the right-hand lane. Take the first off-ramp north of the bridge (Bridge Way), and bear left to the stop sign. Turn left onto N. 38th St., moving immediately to the RIGHT lane. Pass under Aurora. Stay on the arterial, which becomes Fremont Way N. Cross Fremont Ave. N. onto N. 39th St. Take N. 39th westbound to Leary Way. Turn right onto Leary Way.
Continue on Leary Way to NW Ione Place (the preceding street will be NW Dock). Turn left onto NW Ione Pl and go 1/2 block.
Kathy Casey Food Studios is located on the corner of NW Ione Pl and Ballard Ave NW. It's a single-story brick building.
From Downtown Seattle, via the Ballard Bridge
EITHER go west to Western Ave. then north on Western, staying on the arterial as it becomes Elliott Way, then 15th Ave. West.
OR go north to Denny, then west on Denny to Elliott Way, turning north on Elliott and staying on the arterial as it becomes 15th Ave. West.
Continue northbound on 15th Ave. West, crossing the Ballard Bridge in the right-hand lane. As you approach the end of the bridge, see off-ramp with sign to Canal Locks, and sign to Ballard. Take the off-ramp, then use the left lane of the ramp. At the light at bottom of ramp, turn LEFT (west) onto Leary Way NW.
Continue on Leary Way to NW Ione Place (the preceding street will be NW Dock). Turn left onto NW Ione Pl and go 1/2 block.
Kathy Casey Food Studios is located on the corner of NW Ione Pl and Ballard Ave NW. It's a single-story brick building.
© 2002 - 2018 Kathy Casey, Inc. All rights reserved.